Mitch Miller

9th April 2020

Pandemical Discourses: your weekly digest

Every week, we’ll be offering a digest of some of the Coronovirus commentary that has caught our eye. We do not pretend to cover all the work being churned out at present (in fact, today’s offering is a measly six selections) but we do attempt to pluck what is interesting, informative and off-kilter from the wider Coronaviral currents.
19th December 2019

As Radical as Reality?: Werner Herzog’s ‘Meeting Gorbachev’

Based on three in-depth conversations with the former President of the Soviet Union, Meeting Gorbachev (2019) is the latest documentary from Werner Herzog. How does ‘ecstatic truth’ fare when contending […]
29th October 2019

UNATTRACTIVE CREATURES: A Field Study of Michael Gove, Boswell and other migratory scavengers.

From The Drouth Issue 60 I make no doubt, Sir, but you consider me as your very good friend; although some people – and those, too, not destitute of wisdom – will […]
16th October 2019

Collage Before Cubism Exhibition

Now entering its final weeks (ending 27th October) the Cut and Paste Exhibition at Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art is a must-see. Its generous, inclusive take on collage extends […]
9th October 2019

CONTEMPORARY GRAPHIC – Panels from a Museum of Narrative

A typical definition of the concept ‘Artistic License’ would outline the notion that the artist may be perceived as having freedom to distort some aspect of their subject in order to bring attention to, criticise, or satirize it...
31st July 2019

The Favourite

Marketed as a burlesque comedy, Yorgos Lanthimos‘ The Favourite is in truth, far more textured and melancholic than its trailer might suggest. With echoes of Bill Douglas’ Comrades and Kubrick’s […]
23rd July 2019


The woman with the pink velvet poppies twined around the assisted gold of her hair traversed the crowded room at an interesting gait combining a skip with a sidle, and […]