David Archibald

11th March 2024

Another ‘Poor Things’ is Possible
by David Archibald

As Emma Stone picks up an Oscar for Best Actress in Yorgos Lanthimos' film of Alasdair Gray's novel Poor Things, people are dancing in the streets of Glasgow! David Archibald reviews a film that coulda, shoulda, woulda...
26th March 2022

Black Magic with a Bitter Orange Centre:
Just Another Saturday
by David Archibald

David Archibald’s essay on Peter McDougall’s play Just Another Saturday, published with thanks to BFI Video Publishing, also appears in the 60-page book accompanying the new 3-disc Blu-ray set, PLAY FOR TODAY – VOLUME 3, released by the BFI on 11 April. It can be pre-ordered now from the BFI Shop and other outlets. VOLUME 3 contains six plays including Just Another Saturday, Edna the Inebriate Woman and A Hole in Babylon
11th May 2021

The Greenock Industrial and the Greenock Pastoral in ‘Just A Boys’ Game’ and ‘The Elephants’ Graveyard’
by David Archibald

On 17th May the British Film Institute (BFI) released a 3 Disc Blu-ray box set to celebrate fifty years since the first transmission of the BBC's 'Play for Today'. David Archibald has written an accompanying essay for the two Peter McDougall plays which appear in volume 2 of the set. Archibald's piece is a retrospective on a way of life and the art it produced -in special arrangement with the BFI we bring the essay to The Drouth readers' attention.
26th March 2021

Unhappy the Land in Need of ‘Heroic’ Men
David Archibald

THIS IS NOT AN ALLEGORY -A charismatic male political leader who gathers his support around his powerful personality, is revealed as a dodgy bully, who uses his power to prey sexually on women, is taken to court -nay takes the whole nation to court himself -twice!- is publicly disgraced, but sets himself up in a show at the Edinburgh Fringe, and in Russian media, sets up his own new political party, full of sycophantic followers ... and ... WE MAKE NO EXCUSES FOR REPUBLISHING THIS REVIEW FROM SEVERAL YEARS AGO (from New Left Project 2012) - will we never learn ? It's enough to make us recommend never voting for a man to lead your country ...
2nd January 2021

Feminism and Film: A Dialogue
by Núria Araüna Baro and David Archibald

An epistolary transliteration of a performative dialogue on the possibility of building a non-fiction cinema for the memory of women (as political subjects) – and the role of male academics in that process. Originally presented at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalunya by Núria Araüna Baro and David Archibald.
10th October 2019

‘We’re just big bullies…’ Gregory Burke’s Black Watch By David Archibald

A typical definition of the concept ‘Artistic License’ would outline the notion that the artist may be perceived as having freedom to distort some aspect of their subject in order to bring attention to, criticise, or satirize it...