
16th January 2015

The Road to Iraq: The Making of a Neoconservative War – Book Review

Reviewed by Danny Postel I was reluctant to review this book. With all the dramatic events in the Middle East today—the ISIS crisis, the siege of Kobanê, the deepening nightmare […]
8th December 2014

Keep Your Eye on Paisley – Catriona Macdonald reflects on Paisley, the Labour Party, ​and its inevitable post-Ref reckoning.

From Issue 50, Winter 2014/15. On 5 September, sitting in Greyfriar’s Kirkyard in Edinburgh, I exercised my right to vote, resting my ballot paper on my knee, as I sat […]
1st May 2014

Jean Toomer’s “Reapers” and Robert Burns – Justin Mellette

One aspect of Scottish literature that has been receiving renewed attention is the widespread influence of Scottish writers within other cultures.  From its first publication, Jean Toomer’s novel Cane (1923) has been recognized […]
4th February 2013

The Spiritualists – An extract from THIS ROAD IS RED, by Alison Irvine

They stood in front of her mirror, Pamela and Nicola, and behind their reflections was the open window and beyond that, all of Glasgow, it seemed...
2nd October 2010

LALLY PALAIS BULLY – A Case of Political License? By Johnny Rodger

A typical definition of the concept ‘Artistic License’ would outline the notion that the artist may be perceived as having freedom to distort some aspect of their subject in order to bring attention to, criticise, or satirize it...