
23rd February 2021

‘Ní Rabhas ach Seal/ It was only a Matter of Time’ by Noah Rose

What, if anything, does the end of land, or of territory, have to do with the end of language? Is there ever an end of language, even of a particular speaking? Noah Rose is an artist working on the intersection between place and minority language.
26th January 2021

The Uncanny City
Pippa Goldschmidt

What happens when a cataclysm brings about the loss of a city's populations and of its historic buildings and neighbourhoods? Can they be rebuilt in reality, or refound in fragments of memory, in art, in history, in literature in documentation? There is something strangely unsettling about reproductions of historical realities, and the relationship of disappeared history to current day realities. Pippa Goldschmidt examines the case with the help of Freud's notion of the Uncanny.
4th December 2020

R D Laing- Glasgow, The Centre of Reality

It’s difficult to know what to believe. Was R D Laing a thoroughly humane figure driven to ruin by the inhumanity he found in the world around him? Or did he ultimately betray the early brilliance he showed in astoundingly original early works like The Divided Self by lapsing into the role of lazy charlatan in the hippy sixties and seventies?
4th December 2020

Pippa Goldschmidt – Writer, Scientist, Scholar

Is it even possible to believe in the ‘two-cultures’ dichotomy in a virtual post-Freudian cyber age? No-one embodies, and operates from all the positions implicit in such an age more comprehensively than Pippa Goldschmidt.
3rd December 2020

Lorens Holm – Writer, Scholar, Architectural Theorist

What is it about that New York rhythm of intellectual engagement that mesmerises, convinces, becalms, and at the same time energises us? Lorens Holm has it in spades
3rd December 2020

Theatres of Disquiet: A Diagnosis of the Baroque – by Murray Smith

If the overlay and clash and contrast of instincts is a topographical question for Freud, then Murray Smith has it here as a graphical one. Smith's own instinct, however, is that the Baroque, in its heightened sensitivity to force, tension and unease, is the 3D paradigm for exposition of the ineffable mysteries of consciousness.
2nd December 2020

Isabel Millar – Philosopher and Psychoanalytic Theorist

Isabel Millar is probably the world’s first virtual public intellectual. Watch this: an Englishwoman on Russian TV, speaking about a French psychoanalyst in Spanish language. That’s as neat a laying out of the cards as you might ever see.
1st December 2020

Laura Gonzalez – Artist, Writer, Scholar …

Freud aimed at working out the ‘topographical’ aspects of mental processes in Beyond the Pleasure Principle . By ‘topographical’ means, might indeed be the best way to approach the interdisciplinary complexity and irrepressible joie-de-vivre that we see in Professor Laura Gonzalez’ work
1st December 2020

La Cravate donc etait un Obstacle…

And what a tie! If you want to see the Symbolic Order in action then here’s Jacques Lacan fiddling with his decorative apparatus at the Catholic University of Louvain in 1972.