
21st March 2020

The Future of Notre Dame in Paris
by Clarisse Godard Desmarest

The tragic slowness of our reaction to the coronavirus and the putting of systematic safety measures in place has contrasted with the relatively swift and mature reaction of the French (and other nations) to this emergency. But is it a sign of a wider conservative and sclerotic inability to act that has taken hold of our society? How could we measure these things? Clarisse Godard Desmarest sets the ball rolling with a description of the terrible fires at both Notre Dame in Paris and Glasgow School of Art, and the reaction of the authorities in each case.
4th December 2019

Take the High Road: Scott Hames’ Literary Politics of Scottish Devolution by Colin Kidd

Colin Kidd muses on relations (if any) between the near unanimity of the literary world and the actually existing historical world in his review of Scott Hames’s new book The Literary Politics […]
4th December 2019

Alan Dimmick: From the Archive by Catherine Owen

Pascal Gielen once defined art ‘scenes’ as ‘the new factories in the economy of ideas’. The Glasgow art scene however, does sometimes seem more like an old stable for conjuring […]
16th October 2019

Collage Before Cubism Exhibition

Now entering its final weeks (ending 27th October) the Cut and Paste Exhibition at Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art is a must-see. Its generous, inclusive take on collage extends […]
7th August 2019

End Of The Line – Photography of John R Hume

John R Hume’s work on Glasgow reminds you of that engraving of a graphic version of Hobbes’s Commonwealth as a human being. Glasgow, it seems, has been suffering the death […]
4th February 2013

The Spiritualists – An extract from THIS ROAD IS RED, by Alison Irvine

They stood in front of her mirror, Pamela and Nicola, and behind their reflections was the open window and beyond that, all of Glasgow, it seemed...